Birthday on Whaltain Island
Coming soon...
A Role-Playing Videogame
Whilst the community of Whaltain Island is recovering from a recent natural disaster, Otilia Eddison finds a way to celebrate her father's 50th birthday, despite her health conditions.
9th December 2022
A short satire story listing personal experiences and hardships of travelling, AKA: the things nobody tells you about when going on holidays.
12th May 2022
Poem written for the 2022 Mental Health Awareness Week, part of upcoming collection of poems The Gardener.
Theme: Loneliness
Burning Sun
25th February 2022
Photo Manipulation project originally started in 2019, remastered following the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on the 24th February 2022.
1st March 2021
Joined company Radwraps Ltd as Office Manager, responsible for communicating with customers, graphic design, social media marketing and blog writing.
21st April 2020
Poem written and published on social media during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic about the every days of healthcare assistants.
8th May 2019
First published poem, seen in the 7th issue of poetry journal Black Market Re-View. One of my works in my upcoming Poetry Collection, The Gardener
2nd April 2019
Designed and written videogame developped via RPG Maker VX Ace as part of university degree. Search for the Monolith puts the player in detective John Gosfrid's shoes who is summoned to the largest human colony in the Horsehead Nebula to find a mysterious structure called "the monolith."
1st March 2019
My essay on the differences between Modernist and Contemporary Hungarian poetry published in the European Poetry Journal, Versopolis Review.
5th January 2019
30-minutes long screenplay written as part of university degree. 'Cupidity' tells the story of 2 friends trying to reclaim a bag of money a bank robber placed in a serial killer's car.
July-September 2018
An online magazine led by Edge Hill University students and volunteer writers - such as myself. The Quack covered any topics from film reviews to scientific researches, from poetry to local news. Multiple short stories of mine were published here where I posted under the pen name "DownfallNomad."
20th April 2018
Short story about a dystopian, truly democractic world, following Ágnes's journey on election day who has the power to vote on anything she likes.
Elders' Play
4th August 2017
Directed, edited, written second short film. Elders' Play is a psychological drama with a man playing a game of chess against his, possibly past, self. On 23rd of April, 2018, Elders' Play was shortlisted and screened at the Beer Town Film Festival in the same year.
A Rubbish Life
16th May 2017
First short film, directed and written with other Film students at university. A Rubbish Life is an experimental, fictional documentary on global littering and plastic recycling. These topics are explained through the short film's two main characters, Ken and István. On 23rd of April, 2018, Elders' Play was shortlisted and screened at the Beer Town Film Festival in the same year.
31st January 2017
First published short story that marked the beginning of a writing career. Politics for a Divorce is a family drama, published in the first issue of student-led magazine, Pork Barrel Magazine.